First Time for Everything
Payana had never had to do this before in her life. The last pack she joined, all she'd had to do was be the lost little pup that she was at that point in her life, and she had been taken in with a warm welcome. Somehow, she didn't think things would be quite so easy this time.

It pained her a little to think back on it, on that pack that had become her family. It seemed strange now that they were gone, and that she was here, without them, cast back into the solitude from which they had rescued her once upon a time. She missed them terribly, almost constantly. They had been so kind to her when she was in need; they had opened their hearts to her as well as their pack. In a way, being a lost, lonely little pup had been a blessing to her back then--because of that, she hadn't just had two parents. She'd had a whole pack full of loving, caring parents.

The emotion that arose in her at these thoughts was strange--it was wonderful and bitingly painful all at once. And now, as she approached the border of a new pack--a new pack that she hoped to make her own--it was especially prevalent, clawing at the surface of her mind with every step closer she took to her destination. With it, a tinge of nervousness was mixed. Although at this point in her life she had traveled extensively and met many strange and diverse wolves, she had never had to do something quite like this. She hoped it would go well.

Payana soon came upon a point where she dared tread no further, lest she on accident find herself having stumbled over the border and into this new pack's land--a folly which she could not at this point afford. She paused for a few moments, on the verge of lifting her maw and howling to alert the pack of her presence, but she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. Finally, she stepped back from the precipice of action, and decided to take the slower route: she would wait here until she was found. It would not be too long.

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