First Time for Everything
( Thanks! Glad I found this place. :] )

Eventually, Payana heard the sound of an approaching other. Her ears twitched with it, and her body rose out of instinct. She waited for the owner of these footsteps to approach, her body carefully balanced between full, tall-standing alertness and the submissiveness she knew that she would soon have to show if she wished for all to go smoothly.

And then the owner did appear--the footsteps apparently belonged to this large wolf, whose coat seemed to be an array of all sorts of colors. Payana had a feeling they weren't exactly natural, but God knows where they came from. He made quite the interesting specimen, although right now she was more focused on the sheer size of him--she was, after all, at his mercy.

In the moment right before he spoke, she grew even more nervous. When he opened his mouth, she knew she would glean some sort of idea of what her welcome would be like--friendly, grudgingly polite, hostile? Although this was just one wolf of a whole pack--who, for that matter, didn't seem to be carrying himself like an alpha--she remembered her old Alpha telling her once that packs were often full of like-minded wolves, since it is only natural to enjoy the company of those similar to you.

So, here it was. Her first interaction with a member of this pack. She listened intently as he spoke, making sure to keep her head lower than his, and her tail down, as one must.

"Under… ground?" was the first the she said, slightly bewildered, when he had finished talking. Although she had encountered strange enough things in her prior travels, she had never met a group of wolves who lived predominantly underground. Ah, but she could very well have misinterpreted what he had said. Perhaps he did not mean something so strange, and her mind was simple getting the better of her. "I don't suppose you just mean they all keep to their dens, do you?"

She paused briefly, before deciding it was best to err on the side of politeness and go ahead with her business.

"My name is Payana, sir, and I am currently a wanderer. I am hoping to seek entrance to your pack, if I am deemed deserving."

She toyed with the idea of telling him how she had come to be in the predicament she was--or more aptly, how she had come to be homeless without a familiar face to keep her company--but she decided that at this time that was too much information to volunteer. Oh, if they should ask, she could tell, she supposed--but would they believe her? What would she even say? Oh, my pack seems to have vanished…. Truth be told, she supposed it did sound a tad strange. Of course if the fire bit was added, it was more understandable.

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