Putting the past behind me...
Haha 455

Shame, but the offer always stands. The only response offered to this was a quick flick of her left ear, although if it was caused by annoyance or the buzz of a stray fly that happening to float past at that moment was unclear, because the insect recently thawed from the winter did indeed fly by. Yet Nayru smirked at the male, so if annoyance was present it was not held onto for long and she simply let the words pass without further acknowledgement. That one would address her so seemed ungainly, she knew her position demanded more respect than that. Then again, always had Nayru considered herself subordinate to any and all in Dahlia de Mai, the shift of power was strange and at times almost invisible, as their alpha slunk about and bowed her head down low in reverence to her own subordinates. If ever the time came, she would take their respect by force if needed, but none of the Dahlians challenged her despite the her strange ways of leading.

Indeed Nayru had not realized how her words might be construed and if capable she might have blushed then, but as it were her stoic face revealed nothing and noting the man's humor made a mental note to pick her words more wisely around him. Although she had not known what exactly she said, the sensitive girl could understand what his humor meant and the woman disliked that she had conveyed a meaning far from her original purpose. Yet quickly he moved on, and Nayru was glad to do so. Nodding as Alexander confirmed his intentions to rebuild, Nayru turned and stepped off, ready to lead him into the heartland of his new home.

"Berwick hold bigger houses, farms type houses. Wolfville has a lot of buildings, not all residential persay and I fear many of the more useful ones have suffered some damage. " Saluce's workshop, the clinic, her green house and, at the thought of it her heart gave a small lurch she refused to acknowledge, Conor's Victorian home. "Wherever you choose to live is fine. All must be rebuilt. Most like to live in Wolfville, Berwick is quieter." Not as quite as the springs or the veiled gardens, but quite enough. "Berwick has many vineyards, and many of those buildings were damaged. Cellars, barns, buildings for making wine… Those I would like to be rebuilt soon," they would have a purpose soon enough, "but you cannot live in them, so a project for another day I suppose. " If he stayed. If he wanted to truly help them, which Nayru wasn't sure he did but was happy enough to give him a chance. Everyone deserved at least one chance.


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