Seep into me

Word Count » 000 :: Out of character text here.

So often she was left to her own devices, which was just as well. Nayru was busier than ever, it seemed the fairy queen of Dahlia de Mai never stopped or slept or stayed still for one moment. If her sister was not patrolling and marking borders than she was gathering plants for the greenhouse and if not that then she was hunting for the Dahlians who had been unsuccessful themselves that day and when that was completed she was in the church, planning out the next phase in Dahlia's makeover and when she could muse over that anymore she was going about to see if the members needed anything else and after that Farore usually just lost track of her. In her own small ways she helped her shorter sibling out. Now and then she would sweep the borders and if the kill came easy, contribute a meal to the Dahlians (though just as often as not it went into her own belly) and even if it suited her at the moment she would pick up hammer and nail and knock a few boards into place on the vineyard cellars, slowly undoing what damage the storm had done. And with all the hard work Farore put forth she often rewarded herself by stealing into one of those cellars and popping open one of the few remaining bottles of wine.

It was white this time, sweeter just as she preferred, and she carried it clumsly in one hand as she moved around Wolfville. Many of the buildings had been repaired, and those that hadn't were often those that did not have much use. Yet early on Farore had noted two interested cases: A Victorian style house collapsed in, and a building that was even worse off than the former. It was to this second location she ambled, taking a swig out of her bottle as she went, and was surprised to find the four legged beast that accompanied Saluce when she arrived. The creature gave soft grunt to to her, which she returned with her warm, cheery laugh as she moved past him, into the shop and stood in the door way, or what was left of the doorway. Pulling back on the bottle, deep liliac eyes settled on the hulking form, who seemed to be in a very sour mood indeed.

Despite Nayru's reluctance to leave Farore's naturally high spirits had resumed, and she had even begun to enjoy Dahlian life, at least a little. She could help it, but the woman found humor in most things and Saluce's grumbling was no exception. Recalling the first time they had met, she knew that her sniggers and snickers were rarely welcome, but this did not keep her from snorting as she surveyed him and his grumpy going-ons. Knowing that such a sound had given her away if her scent hadn’t, her strong but melodic voice, a mirror of her sister's but with the volume and force the soft spoken Nayru lacked, called out. "Hey there mister, what has a bee up your ass today?"

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