[M] - No escaping your actions

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

WC(394) - verdana, size 9 ^^

In Character

The wind picked up slightly and echoed through the rocky terrain. As it reached it’s way up to where he sat, he found his fur ruffled and his hair sent all over the place once more. With the wind, a few birds cried out; no doubt having a better time riding the blowing wind then he was with his conversation.

When his present company confirmed that he hadn’t hurt one of her relatives, he let out a low sigh. He had been fairly sure that none of canines he’d picked fights with resembled the strange one who stood before him, but sometimes there was no telling who was related to who simply through appearance. Now he could relax alittle in the knowledge that the female wasn’t out for revenge. Not that he was all that pleased with the real reason she had sought him out though….

“Ha” a humourless laugh to break the silence and reflect his pleasure in knowing some stranger decided to look for him because someone said he was ‘interesting’… “ interesting huh. You should be more careful; curiosity is a dangerous thing and often has nasty consequences. Gotta say though, you must ‘ave alotta free time to be seeking me out. Care to tell me who this ‘friend’ of yours would be?” So I can slit the slimy gits throat for talking too much…

The inquiry sounded fair to him; he should be entitled to know who was gossiping about him and handing out his description. Again and again his mind went through a list of whom may have spoke of him to this female, to the point he was so absorb in trying to figure out who that he almost missed the last part of the female’s answer. Almost.

‘I love danger’ was a childish thing to say in his opinion. Raising an eyebrow, he shot the female a ‘You’ve gotta be kidding me’ look. “Uh-huh. And everyone says I have a few screws loose. At least I don’t go out looking for danger” since it normally comes to me, knocks on my door and introduces itself, why would he need to look for trouble?

Leaning forward slightly, his usual smug smirk spread upon his lips, taking humour in the others little growl. “Ya know, ya really can’t pull of the sarcastic thing. It just doesn’t work for you”.

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