all the world's a stage

She had expected his abrasive nature, and it didn't cause the false grin to falter from her features. Her eyes told a different story, one of vague irritation and faint traces of sadness that she didn't truly realize she felt. Either way, she had come to distance herself from his blood. She was no longer Faolin's daughter, and therefore she was not his niece. She was not a Massacre, or a Holocaust, or a Mogotsi. She was a de le Poer, and then a Lykoi. Her expression softened to something more apathetic as he responded to her words, ears swiveling forward as she took in his opinion. In the past, she might have laughed, but instead she remained silent.

"Father puts a lot of stock in family; are you saying he's wrong?" In truth, it was Ezekiel who parroted the importance of blood to her, but she knew that at one time, Gabriel had said something involving her ties to Inferni. Of course, she could have misremembered. Either way, it mattered little. Gabriel was their father, and she felt certain he would have agreed with her either way. She loved little of her family, yet remained proud of her lineage, for the most part. If only they hadn't been ruined by the touch of wolves.

"You're presumptuous to assume you know what really goes on in my thoughts, Hybrid. If I can stop loving my mother, I can certainly feel no sense of kinship to you. Dislike me all you will." One hand waved in the air dismissively as she finalized the sentence. Though it had only been months before, she felt she had changed since their last meeting upon the shores of Hades Beach. "The fact that you seem to think on it, though, could be seen as your own pathetic attempt to rationalize your dislike of me. Personally, I believe you're jealous, since I'm closer to Gabriel than you could ever be." Possibly a lie, but something she enjoyed saying. It seemed that she simply wanted to aggravate the Secui Hydra, mocking him from her high perch. Her expression fell blank and she rested a hand against her skull, thoughts of her father leaving her mood sour.

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