all the world's a stage

Always, they went back to her having left. She snorted at his words, crossing her arms firmly beneath her ribcage while her mind drank up all he had to say on the matter. Just like with Halo, she felt outside of her family once more upon hearing the words in such an honest voice. They were wrong, of course, as Gabriel had told her before that she would always be welcome, but it was wounding. He didn't need to like her. None of them needed to like her. They simply needed to work with her. She allowed a faint sigh to pass through her jaws, eyes falling to the ground as confusion clouded her expression. She had come back. Despite having left, as so many others who remained inside of Inferni had once done, she had returned. Yet, it meant nothing.

Her fingers clenched against her forearms. "I don't understand why you things can't move on from the past. I haven't done anything that others haven't done themselves; even father left, he went to Scintilla, he told me. And he goes and cavorts with outsiders, with wolves, and has children with them and loves them and yet I remain the largest evil inside of Inferni, and I can't seem to understand what is wrong with you and her." It was true that Gabriel denied being a true father to the outsider brats, and she had not allowed him to answer her question of love, fearing the answer. That he had denied it, however, simply made her believe it more firmly. Gabriel was now free to do as he pleased, and he had left another who cared for his outside family in his place, and yet her uncle and cousin still could not get past the fact that she had left Inferni.

"You've known Gabriel long enough to believe I'm not as important as you think, but he placed me above you in this clan. And I'm a traitor, in the eyes of you and in the eyes of my cousin. But here I am. I rank higher than you, and my brother is our Aquila, and where does that leave you when my father dies, Hybrid? You'll have nothing. You two share an understanding, that's all. He doesn't love you, he loved your sister and he loves her two horrible, traitorous brats, and you're left on the outside, because he will always choose his two children over you if it means the clan continues on." She spoke softly, voice smooth and calm as words came forward in smooth procession. How she perceived the world would be different than how he perceived it, and she knew that he would disagree or argue or grow angry and try to tell her what he believed to be the truth, but she was not bothered. Instead, she was blank. Flat. Moodless. She shook her head and turned from the hulking Secui, not willing to show the distress that colored her face. As she spoke, her eyes grew dark and morose. How she hated her eyes, they ruined everything.

Her shoulders shook with a sigh and she turned her face toward the sky briefly. "And then you can be like me, in a world where no one wants you around, and like me, no one will pity your loneliness. Living on the outside is a lot like being dead; quite refreshing, sometimes, since no one bothers you anymore. You should try it sometime." A few short steps carried her away from him, though not far. As far as she was concerned, her art was more important than continuing the company of a male who didn't believe she belonged; she was sure he felt the same about his own activities for the day.

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