A shadow amongst shadows
As Jaden approached, Drizzt bristled slightly, but relaxed when the male stopped and extended his arm carefully. Watching as the man slowly connected the blade to the gauntlet, the Prince felt a grin grow on his muzzle. Though it seemed more complicated than necessary, he confirmed that the weapon had its own grace and efficiency. It was convenient for travel, since it could be separated and stored. And from how easily Jaden put the blades together, they were quickly at hand when needed. Add in the obvious speed one could move those blades with, and the maneuverability they offered, Drizzt found them to be quite the weapon. In trained hands, those twin weapons would devastate an opponent. ”Well now, those are blades I would enjoy facing.”

After Jaden had finished, Drizzt waited patiently for his answer, suppressing his anxiety. But at the mention of the word ‘assassin’, the Russian tensed and loosened his arms, preparing to grasp his belt if need be. However, as the other male continued to explain, the Champion was put at ease once more, and a smile appeared on his face. And when Jaden turned around, he spoke up with a pleased tone. ”Jaden, you have no idea how great it is to hear such words from another wolf.” He said, leaning calmly against the tree again. ”I am in a similar position in those regards, and haven’t been happier in my life. Maybe more confused, but I’m happy.” With that, Drizzt closed his eyes and pondered over his past, his thoughts slipping from his mouth. ”I’ll never be a tool for that pack again…” He mumbled.

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