in limbo

Fine by me. Also, short. Sorry for that; I'll write a better one next time.

mall-caps;text-variantConfusedmall-caps;">IT'S ONLY cript;">FOREVER, NOT LONG AT ALL

The approach of a Dahlian set the de le Poer Optio on edge, for it harkened to days during her adolescent years, when Haku Soul roamed the lands as a monster of the night. While Sage stepped forward, Talitha remained in the background. Crimson eyes watched warily. If the meeting became hostile, she was certain they could at least damage the man who rode atop the equine beast, and Ezekiel would come to find them if they were gone for far too long. As her cousin greeted both of the animals — for that is what she felt them to be — she rolled her skull present over in her palms.

With the final words of Sage, the darker princess finally spoke. "As she disrupted our life to let us know about the change here, I expect an audience with her." It was rude, but she felt no desire to deal with more of the wolves than necessary; this was, of course, why she had been eager to have her cousin follow, for Sage was far different than the Aquila's sister. Fingers tapped against the sun-bleached surface. "We have no desire to come inside." Perhaps Sage did, but Talitha felt no need to enter Hell again.

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