Seep into me

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"Moving huh? What are you gonna do with this place?" Farore knew better than most Nayru's hatred for the broken down buildings. If the Lady had her way not a single one would be left by the end of summer. "Tear it up? Burn it down?" Her voice grew almost excited, it would be a nice change from the repairs Nayru insisted on doing to the Victorian house. If anyone even took the house after it was completed Farore would be surprised, most everyone had seemed to settle in fine with their new lodgings. Perhaps Farore would move into it… she couldn't keep moving between the church and the greenhouse forever, Nayru was in both and it was starting to annoy them both to have the other constantly around.

Violet eyes wandering aimlessly as the man threw his own jest her way, but she merely shrugged it off, a switch flipped when anyone tried to tease her back. "Oh, if you call that working…" A white muzzle lifted, the ebony tip wrinkling in disbelief and then the snort as she looked to the horse who had just bumped into her. "Seems like he does most the work 'round here." And her hand went out to pat the creature, so easily it seemed that it were her companion and not the man's.

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