We didn't start the fire

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He had never thought she could charm him more. But somehow, with the simplest of gestures she would make him fidget and squirm, butterflies rushing into his belly and fluttering around madly. The way she would look away almost made him yearn to lift her head with his paw and... and what? Kiss her? The mere thought was enough to make him swoon. So he preferred not to think about it. Instead, he focused on the places he could show her. It didn't occur to him that she'd been born here and therefore Halcyon Mountain would be no big surprise. A lot of things escaped Lubomir around her.

Her energy, her cheerful and trusting nature could make him forget the horrors he'd seen in his life. And the way she nudged him back... it was so sweet, so adorable, so positively amazing that he couldn't help but think of telling her just how... no. Inwardly he shook his head and his foolishness. There was no way he could tell her the truth. She liked him well enough, why push her into the deep end? Why tell her of feelings she might not share? Might never share. That thought was like a cold shard of ice bursting his bubble, so he focused once more on her just being there. 'Your pack is very different from mine. I would not call us laid back... but we don't seem to be fighters. I suppose we're not really meant to be fighters. Skoll is our fighter and he is truly strong. But I am more of a scholar myself. I used to be a Bard, a storyteller, but I think I would like to be more of a teacher. To help others, to share my knowledge. Do you read and write, Ember? Is it a skill valued in these lands?' Lubomir gave her another smile. It was an offer, an invitation to teach her, to spend time in her presence, helping her. 'I would never mean to be rude to you, lady Phoenix. But if you wish to improve any skill that has to do with reading and writing, why I could help you. If you would let me, of course.' It was strange to see the way he would try to be familiar with her and then call her a lady again once he thought he might hurt her.


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