Lets go for an adventure

I don't mind at all. She needs to meet new people

Aeron had not known what had snapped in her but she needed to chill for a minute. She had not been very irenic. She took a deep breath and looked at the woman she had come too like so much.

Aeron moved a clawed hand to the girls face gently touching her cheek and running fingers through her hair. "What if I like your head in the gutter. hmm? She asked as she smiled a wicked grin. She had not played the game of courtship in a while and she was rather interested to play this dance with Io.

She gave her a smile. "Rant when ever you want but know I will always say something back." She said as she turned to continue their adventure. She wanted to get to know Io and she wanted Io to get to know her. Aeron smiled as she continued. "I won't be quite I promise so what do you want to talk about She said. She could not see the village quite yet but the short stop hadn't slowed her much. She was on a mission.

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