Lets go for an adventure

Mine Smile i've wanted to do a thread with you just didn't know when

Aeron Ganesa

Aeron continued her walk as she listened to Io. She was happy that maybe she had found someone she could be happy with. she was not however in a rush. She fell silent only for a moment.

"I do think you are right." She said. She did all she could to stay in the good graces of the clan. She lied to herself took her leaders words and turned her hand against wolves. She was a pure blood that did not make her better then the half breeds or wolves. She sighed "Wolves, coyotes, dogs and mixes. Too bad no one can get along. She said.

Aeron glanced at Io then listened to the rest of what the girl had to say. This made going on much easier the two of them talking and enjoying each other. She looked at Io. "Your mother sounds awful." She said.

Aeron stopped for a moment to regain her bounds. She needed to make sure that she knew where she was. "My parents sent me to a school where I was beat and trained to be a murder. My bother was sent to a male training camp to learn to be a slave. I was taught that men are evil and only used for breading." She stated.

She didn't know if she hated men so much anymore "I'm not so sure about anything anymore." she said.She was happy to see that they were near to the village. She could see the sign from where she was now.

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