to sanctify all I hate
Hope you don't mind if I throw Jenkai in here. You're writing is <3.[html]

He had spent several nights here, leaving the beach house along the peninsula abandoned for some time. He might have been a little anxious about his possessions with this recent influx of wolves, but he had decided to let it slip from his mind. His intentions were to reform the map – adding detail so that he might work his way to the east very soon. He had a loose sketch of Dahlia de Mai’s borders, as well as a general circle of what Mew had called Inferni. That was it. The coyotes he had heard about. He thought about venturing there next so that he might shed more light to that area of his map and knowledge. At the same time, he had been warned to keep his distance. DANGER still was penciled below the name is large, bold letters. For now, he figured he would comply.

Though the color mirrored the water stretched out in front of him, Jenkai’s eyes were dripping with the heaviness of sleep. Out here in this unfamiliar territory, he had found it hard to catch some shut eye. The shelter of the beach house he missed – the solitude, the reassurance of its four walls. This beach left him feeling utterly exposed, vulnerable. But somehow he enjoyed the serenity of it all the same.

The rain had warped the paper some, but it could be expected. The past few days it seemed as if sunshine would never reappear. Pencil lines sketching out the northwest region had faded, but they were just generalized anyhow. He focused now on tracing the details of the shore, walking the stretch of sand from Dahlia de Mai eastward. Every so often his eyes would rise to the bay, missing gazing out at the water of the Atlantic near his home.


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