Can't Resist; Don't Want To Believe It..

She would make new cups for them. Mars gave a thankful tilt of his head to the woman and a soft smile. The smile was short lived because of the fact that they were under a stressful situation at the moment. Mars would need to learn to keep the issues away from her so that the puppies could grow without having a problem, without dying. He would try his hardest to make sure things had been less stressful for her. He'd try as hard as he could. Right now, that meant that he needed to decide where they were going to go and when they were going to let D'Arte. He didn't really want to move away again. He felt almost like he belonged here, but then again, he hadn't really gotten along well with Shawchert, and Mars was sure that the others started to hate him after he spoke out against Shawchert at the pack meeting. There was no choice but to leave at this point in time.

The woman listed off where she knew, and she mentioned that she hadn't made many friends here. Neither had he, but he had talked to several others. I mean hell, the kid couldn't even make friends with his brother, so it wasn't like he had many others he could run to for comfort in stressful situations. Mars thought hard about where they could go. Mars had been in such deep thought that he had almost missed her comment. He had heard it though, and it took a minute for him to actually realize what she was talking about. He blinked a few times before he had taken the cigarette butt to his mouth and he inhaled the smoke once again, and then exhaled it. There will be no competition, Kryssy.... he commented, before he looked down at the table. Nobody else I know would let something like this happen to them and then not want the person who did it to be gone. the man spoke, immediately realizing that the woman did not want him to be out of her life, that she did not want him dead, or exiled from the pack or whatever. He did not call it love though. He only called this loyalty. Extreme loyalty it was, and one day, she might be rewarded for this in a bigger way, but for now, the only thing he could promise her was that he'd protect her and their pups. So thank you, Kryssy.

Mars thought hard about where they could go still, and soon, a name had hit him. He'd forgotten that once upon a time, he had met a dark man, his fur bleached white in some places, and he owned a huge horse, and he was a pretty big man himself. He spoke of a land called Dahlia de Mai. Mars knew that it was north of Halifax, so it had to be east of this land. I...uhm... he started to speak, his blue eyes looking back up at Krystalle. There's somewhere East of here that's called Dahlia de Mai. I only know a man there. Larkspur D'Angelo his name is... he mentioned, shrugging his shoulders before he lifted the tea cup to his mouth and he sipped on the tea. When he put the teacup down, he looked back at the woman again. We shall leave here soon. Sometime before they are born. he commented, deciding that if they were where they needed to be before they were born, they would have an easier time moving than if they were born before they moved.

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mall fonts; text-align:right;">present personality: Mars Russo
Word Count: 598

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