I'm runnin after you
Her face warmed under her fur, and she let out another giggle. She felt flustered, unsure. That...that was.... She was stammering. great. She swallowed and turned back to the page of herself and Soran. The pale mother wouldn't make the male cadge it out of her. Bi-colored eyes focused on the drawing, flushed with embarrasment and something else far more primal.

It's just a sketch... Her explanation was weak. Anyone with eyes could see the two females were romantically involved in that sketch. It was a carefully done portrait of love and lust. Deuce felt a rather unexpected pang of desire, and looked out of the side of her eyes at the male. She didn't even know his name, and she was sharing her intimate artwork to him.

Was it because she desired him? Or was it just because she was proud of her work? Even she herself didn't know the answer to that. She would readilly admit to feeling lustful towards the male. Very lustful. Was that normal? Five years old, and she'd only been with three males, two of which had been mates.

Well, tecnically, lucifer was still her mate, even though she was furious with him for cheating on her. But she intended to change that.

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