
Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

WC: 520 - Post fail x.x Key sulking over being woken up xD

In Character

Having always been alone or beside someone who feared his response, the Dasa had grown accustomed to going to sleep whenever he choose to, waking up when he felt like it and spending his days as he pleased. Each afternoon; for her rarely awoke in the mornings, he would go out and train, wander the Anathema border or maybe spend a day trying to train Beyaz and failing. Such was his life until an albino and raccoon began living in his small cave.

So, it was an unwelcome surprise to be awoken by Teo along with his excited, incoherent babble about going to Ani… wherever they were going. Yet, since it was rare to see the white one express such enthusiasm over something he could not say no and ended up being dragged along to god knows where, to do god knows what at some un-holy hour in the morning.

If not for the other holding onto his arm, he’d probably have drifted of in some random direction in his half asleep state, or decided to climb a tree and nap. Occasionally, he’d provide a grunt, a smile or some form of response to what Teo was saying, but the specifics did not register in his mind, for staying awake and moving was hard enough as it was at such an hour. A pang of guilt hit him for not paying the white one hardly any attention and he narrowed his eyes slightly and tried to focus on the other’s words, “Maybe. At least a horse can be kept outside, ‘cuse I’m not dealin’ with your brother again anytime soon.” He mumbled in response.

As the wind blew lightly across the lands, it now carried the distinct scent of a pack; a tell tale sign that the pair were approaching a border, which meant it was time to wake up and play bodyguard for Teo… more like babysitter with how excited he is. As the veil of sleep began to lift, he paid more attention to the others words this time.

His mouth fell open and he yawned loudly, completely relaxed and carefree; which was more to do with a sleep filled mind than confidence. Finishing yawning, he took in a deep breath and threw back his head, letting out a piercing howl. “That should get someone’s attention” he said, his voice relaying his non-existent excitement about being wherever they were.

Turning to Beyaz, who remained perched on his shoulder; the white crow equally as tired and as miserable as his owner, and let out a low whistle and indicated towards the border. It had taken many hours of hard, patience-testing work to teach the pest how to scout and relay information, since the young Dasa did not speak low speech. Eventually, Beyaz had learned that such a whistle meant to fly ahead and then return and caw how many he saw approaching.

Once commanded, the albino crow took off and flew in the direction of the border. Blue eyes turned to look into red rimmed ones, “Just sending him ahead to check the area out, better safe than sorry”.

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