pearl amongst oysters

The Italian woman severed the tendons and cut the short-furred pelt away, leaving red muscle and blood in its wake. Butchering was a filthy job, and not one she could do with any quickness or lack of mess. Her hands took on the dark, coppery shade of red that had seeped into the old wood of the manor's porch. Iron filled the air. She sneezed, but that did not stop her horrific singing. Woe to the creatures that had to listen to the Marino woman's abrasive tones, for certainly they'd wish themselves deaf. It didn't seem to bother her that she was incapable of performing a melodic, operatic performance. If the world didn't like it, they could turn their ears off.

Despite her apathy over the noise she had created, she was surprised to see Cambria in the doorway after a moment. The tiny voice of her favorite niece startled her to a defensive posture, skinning knife transforming into a dangerous weapon before her blue eyes softened on the feminine features of the young Marino. "Oh, Cambria. You startled me; you should be careful with that." It was honest advice for caution, but she knew that if anyone harmed the chocolate-furred female, there were many who would see justice dealt. Ghita would be one of the first to defend her nieces and nephews and children, for all were so important to her and her family. A smile brightened her features and she gave a pat to the empty porch beside her. "Come and sit with your Zia Ghita. How have you been?" Though she had seen Cambria since the incident at Ol' Red, she worried for the female.


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