M - Knight in shining armour
Saluce watched her with an amused look as she seemed to melt in his arms. The man looked upon the beautiful lady with lust, and when she pulled away from him it brought a raise eyebrow. Those blues watched with interest as she changed forms, his eyes not missing the beauty her four legged form brought forth. He chuckled softly with her doggish show of energy before bolting off and calling him out to catch her. Saluce almost started to shift himself, the temptation that great before he realized he was carrying all that armor and weight.

The man quickly started stripping it all off with a frenzied pace, his horse giving him an odd look before meandering back towards Dahlia, not wanting to stick around for his riders little unplanned fun time. Finally after several moments, the steel laid on the ground and a four legged beast stood among the pile. The behemoth was quite adept at changing forms, and he stood in his starkly contrasting form, where his optime form was bulky and massive, his lupus form was long legged, and streamlined. Sure the muscle mass was there but hidden well beneath his coat. Saluce’s nose hit the ground picking her scent out and off he went, four legs drumming along the ground looking for his prey.

After some searching he paced around a set of bushes he was sure she was residing, she was a doggish hybrid in a wolf’s world and he would catch her, and afterwards he’d take her. His form tensed and into the bushes he burst into finding her there and hind legs went into action to give him a burst of speed if she decided to dart on him. After all nothing was more intoxicating to a wolf then prey that ran.

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