The Silent Whisper

Table & Coding © Hickey; That should be fine; 361 words


No doubt that Janos was probably worried. He wouldn't doubt that the other was out looking for him. After all bastion was usually back by the time that it started to grow dark. Of course he hadn't made it this time. That was quite simply because he had gotten lost in the trees. He hadn't realized that he had traveled quite as far as he had and now he was uncertain of which way to go in order to get back. He found himself wishing that his puppy was there in order to make things all better. If his puppy was there then he wouldn't be wandering around lost like he was. No, instead he could just cling to the other and let Janos worry about which way to go while he was just along for the ride. Of course he was out here all alone.

Or that is what he had thought. He thought that he was trapped within the darkness entirely by himself but that couldn't be so when the scent of blood wafted through the air. Someone else, or something else, had to be around because he certainly wasn't bleeding. With that small sense of renewed hope he made to track down the source. He followed his nose in order to walk towards the fresh kill. And of course that served to remind him that he hadn't eaten for awhile. Janos was the one that typically did the hunting and well Janos wasn't around to feed him.

The feminine looking male, made even more so by the cute little panties that he was wearing to cover himself, whined as he watched the other eat while he had nothing. His arms became wrapped around his belly, looking very much like a lost and starving child given his short stature. His tongue slipped out to lick hungrily at his lips before he whined once again. His gaze was pinned directly upon the dead deer and had pretty much ignored the female that was making a meal of it. "Mine?" He whispered out the words quietly and freed one arm from around his abdomen in order to point at the carcass.


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