For den som sette alt på spel, har ein uro i sjel
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Her sister merely nodded and gave up her arm to the black Herbalist. Hanna withdrew the other knife from its sheathe and carefully shaved the fur away from a section of Colibri's inner arm, wary against nicking her. Using the first two fingers of her right hand, Hanna felt the area she'd just shaved till she found a strong vein, then opened an alcohol pad and swabbed the area down. She opened the package with the IV needle in it and, finding the vein again, plunged the needle into Colibri's arm. She was rewarded with the sight of crimson blood flowing through the other side, where the tubing would attach. Closing off the end, Hanna opened the package with the bag and tubing in it and hooked it up, and when she lowered the tubing and bag, her sister's blood began flowing into the bag.

Inside a half an hour, Hanna was holding a full bag of blood. She opened another alcohol pad, withdrew the needle, and cleaned the area again. One hand applying pressure to the pad and wound, Hanna opened up her satchel and found her spiderwebs, which she applied to the spot as a sort of Band-Aid. The femme licked her sister's cheek and placed a hand on her shoulder. Colibri, if you want to, you can wait outside; I'll get you when she wakes. Not waiting for an answer, she repeated the process on her niece as she had her sister, using the inner part of her thigh to find a vein and this time, as opposed to dropping the level of the bag, she elevated it, draining the substance of life into Mew at a steady pace. ... bottom.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 27px;"> 


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