Time for reflection

Scraping his knees pretty hard when the D'Angelo stumbled and fell on impact, from beneath him there was a squeal of surprise as something shuffled from amid the cloth of the makeshift tent. Fortunately Helios didn't land directly onto whoever was inhabiting the tent, but he was left in a tangled mess in the fabric as he attempted to gain his bearings once again and stand back up. It was proving to be easier said than done, for sharp pain shot through both knees and Helios couldn't seem to find which way was up in the fabric combined with the darkness of the evening. Who the hell even sleeps in a tent anymore in a place like this? Helios couldn't help but consistently curse inwardly, toward his foolishness and also of the individual who decided to put a tent up in the middle of nowhere for a traveler to stumble upon. It wasn't until a soft voice then inquired if he was okay, and nearly ripping himself from the confusing folds of the tent, shook his head and narrowed his jade eyes to the one who spoke.

Drawing close to him, it was enough for him to see her distinct outline and features. Her pelt was a stunning stark white that stuck out like a sore thumb in the darkness, almost making her seem poltergeist like in color. Her fur texture appeared to be downy and thick, accentuated in areas where it would be appropriate for a feminine style. Her figure was curvaceous at best; slimmed hips and protruding chest, more so than the average female would be. Helios was quite fickle with the female species, but this one seemed to be pretty, very pretty. From aggravated and inwardly cursing Helios suddenly turned frustrated at himself for doing this to such an attractive lady like this in the middle of nowhere. Come to think of it, what was she doing in a tent in the middle of nowhere? The questioned burned in the back of his mind, but he lifted a hand to scratch at the back of his head some, and push away the fringed bangs that often veiled his right eye. Blinking some, Helios attempted to regain focus. "Er, I'm fine. A little scraped up, but fine. Are you alright?" Helios inquired to her, his jade eyes observing and roving her figure a little more so for any tell-tale signs of scratches or distress. There was a snort blown out of his snout, getting to his feet and kicking the tangled remnants of the tent aside. "Um, I'm sorry about running into your tent. What are you doing out here by yourself anyway?" Helios said with a tilt of his head, seeing as how this didn't seem like some camping trip for her with s'mores and a fire to sing kumbaya to on hand.


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