Lets go for an adventure

slight pp please let me know if you want it changed

Aeron looked at the woman. She smiled looking at her. ”Of course I will go with you I want nothing more then to be a family.” She stopped and smiled she would go but would Io wait long enough for her to get these pups move ready. Would she even bring them or would she simply leave them in Inferni.

Aeron looked at Io, ”Will you wait for me though I will go with you and I will defend you as long as you wait for me.” She stated her voice had changed it had become semi stern why why did she feel this way. Why did she want Io to wait or her did she want no did she love her?”I don’t want to move them give me two months to geth them ready.” She said smiling.

Io talked about what they needed. She nodded listening. She had most of the stuff at home. Well maybe they could just poke around and look for odd ball things. She needed to get her mind off of things so if they looked around she could stop thinking about being close to Io and liking her. She smiled, ”That’s good to know.”

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