Baby you make me happy

Word Count » 000

Amaranth smiled as she coddled her son. She was the only child she had the only thing she had to show. He was goig to be taught everything she knew. She was young that was true but she was ok with that she knew that he was not going to be her only child. She would have many she wanted to have them. She wanted to have this feeling of pride all the time.

Amaranth looked up from the boy as she smiled, Strel he had been such a help when she was pregnant. ”Hello stranger” She said with a wide smile. She had missed him. As she stepped down off the rock. ”Yes we’ve been inside so much that well I figured it was a nice day why not.” She stated smiling. The man was like an uncle, well in ways he had seen her grow sine she was a small child and it made her happy to know that she could show her son to him. ”This is Jiva, my only son.” She said.

Amaranth had always been such an upfront person. She could only smile as she stood there looking at the redhead man. The pack she grew up in the pack that she had always called home. She had a family made up of misfits and that was what made her happy.

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