
OOC: maybe someone else can jump in later? idk... +3

hehehehe the sound of a woman's giggling caught the sociopath's ears. He cocked his head, his body stopped moving, the crinkling of the bat against the leaves on the ground stopped, but the sound of footsteps continued, the giggles continued in a small stream of sound. His maw let out a growl, whoever this was, was obviously giggling at him, and he didn't like it one bit. He was going to find this giggling bitch and put her out of her misery. He swiftly pulled his bat up to his shoulder and then he ran through the terrain until he had been a good few yards away from her, him standing there with a bloodied and leafy bat along with his bloodstained white jeans that adorned his hips. He wore no jacket, nothing to cover his chest that was tinted grey and black because of the ashes that covered his pelt. His scars still stuck out though, the heart on his back, the "mars" in his side, the scar on his nose. Laughter would turn into sobs, and he didn't even need to do anything.

Awh, did little girlie figure out that it's not worth living anymore? Or does she just know what it about to happen to her? the man asked, sarcasm thick on his tongue, his voice much deeper than the dominant personality Mars, and the secondary personality, Bartholomew. The man tapped the bat on his shoulder, a wicked grin passing on his lips as he had dared to try and move towards her, hostility evident in the man's footsteps, his posture. He was not kidding, and his intentions of battle, or of a fight was clear on his body. He had no respect for women, for life in general. All he knew was that he did not like that she was once laughing at him. She shouldn't have laughed. She shouldn't have been here. It was all her fault. Not Hurricane's, nope, it couldn't be his fault. He did nothing funny for her to be laughing at him, this was for sure.

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