Finding something
Jace makes a very good point, in era armor was in use the average human size was smaller than it is today, so on average full body armor would have been made for someone approx. 5'4" I'm guessing.

I don't know how much replica armor that would be found in museums is actually a "working model". Although there is the option of those made for reenactments/renaissance fairs. Not to say that the parts a luperci would beable to use would be unusable because of this.

Anann has a armor for her horse Rem (has yet to be seen in the 'soulsverse and has only been vaguely made mention of). Tosawi, the city she came from was from had blacksmiths although the armor is simply been altered and the majority of it was found in an old warehouse of a company that specialized in providing such armor for reenactments and hobby renaissancers. Tosawi also has a fair sized calvary it arms, as well as a large army. Its a big place Big Grin. Although I stayed away from armor with Anann due to anatomical differences, that and she hates anything that would be that restrictive to her movement.

All in all, while it sounds cool, I think steel armor would be more of a hindrance than any help defensively. Once grounded your character would be very vulnerable.

I don't think it is too much of a stretch to see luperci blacksmiths using steel, so much as other metal compounds though. Given its easy of melting it down and reusing as well as the large supply the north american continent would have. Give that the Apocalypse happened before the decline in steel manufacturing (right?).

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