Of magical wishing apples

+3. This post is short because I had one too many Flaming Crotches.

It seemed as if the young princess wanted nothing more than to reach for that apple, to grasp it in her dainty hand and wish upon it as if it were a star. At that moment, Giselle was willing to believe anything; the tree enveloping her in shade like the night sky, and the stars just waiting to be plucked. The pale girl had grown up on her fairy tales, sticking to the firm belief that if an apple was offered by a mysterious character, they were poisonous.

In lieu of the girl's concentration, she blocked out the stoat's trills and squeaks as it noticed someone approaching. Once or twice Tux tugged at her dress, and climbed down the base of the tree to get a better look. His nose twitched as he raised his body, going from short and square to a full height of "small". The stoat tried to look menacing despite its beady-eyed, fuzzy appearance, baring teeth for a moment until the wolf seemed to grow taller. Giselle's companion practically flew back up the tree, squealing his displeasure at the woman who would not rest until she got her ripe, red, fruit-filled wish. 'Giselle, there's a monster down below! We gotta get-'

His high-shrilled words were cut off, as the sounds of the male called up to her. This broke the pale girl's concentration, as she looked down towards the source on earth. "Wha-? Oh!!" It seemed she had reached out too far, however, as the girl's foot slipped off of the branch and she lost her grip altogether. "Ahhh!" She screamed, her cream-colored fingers just brushing the apple upon her falling from the tree. All she could see was the red of her hair as it flew about her face, but the thought of missing her chance to get her wish hurt her more than she knew the incoming fall back on earth would.

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