Its him, again.

OOC: 'Fragrance of freak' +3

Her pulse was beginning to race, trapped under the compelling will of this man of who she so easily let herself get taken advantage of by. There was just something about him, his presence – be it slightly weird in a way or another that had drawn her in, much like the opposite ends of a magnet. This appeal to her just couldn’t be resisted, although she couldn’t help feeling the fear that this attraction wasn’t just purely the need of her lust. His features had remained in that same devilish tone through-out all of this and that had just intensified his gravitational pull even more on her, the woman was almost pushing herself against the man, coupling her arms around his broadened masculine neck and twirling his hair through her delicate fingers.

His flattering reply had sent her stomach into fits of butterflies; she had never been told she was actually beautiful before and the girl’s face shied ever so slightly to the right with her transfixed ghostly orbed eyes fluttering slightly in blush before returning back to face him so closely again and reconnected that same glare they shared before. She stared at him as he glanced to the drawing of her not to far from her towered body on the bed; she was taken by this man. A feeling brewed within the woman, a sensation she had never encountered it before – it felt most strange. She didn’t want to move away from the male, she wanted to remain in this ‘perfect’ moment with him forever and her stomach gurgled slightly with the thought of him just strolling out of her life like many souls had done beforehand. This man, of whom she barely knew – a mere acquaintance had blossomed into something she couldn’t control so quickly and she felt so immensely weak under his power.

As his hand fell to her neck, the thing that beated inside of her chest bounced off her rib cage franticly almost seeking to escape from its captivity, her orbs following the man’s hand with a curious flare. However she wasn’t keen on the idea of any tattoo or piercing from the man, as she was a firm believer that marks where branded for a reason - the mark of her guardian was on her thigh region purely for the cause that it was the mark of her guardian and was not just scarred there on the terms that it looked pretty. She thought carefully before answering him, aware of his apparent keenness on the matter ”Hmm” she teased slightly ”I’d have to mull that over, baby” she put forward in a sweet and innocence craving tone. ”Cant I just have you instead?” She tempted, lowering a hand which was hooked around his neck to trace along his jaw line once more, coaxing the fire she was playing with.

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