As the Eagle Flies
Sorry, Kris, I was trying to get to this but kept getting interrupted. But I still wanted to get in on the new joiner fun, so I just edited it around. It seems a little god-modded to me, I can edit if it ruffles any feathers.

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Hanna liked the rain. It was the life source of her trade, the plants and roots. Never mind that it got one's fur completely soaked so you felt you'd never get dry; if it never rained, she'd never have the plants she needed to heal things. The herbalist was doing one of the most strenuous tasks her co-rank required: the actual finding and collecting of necessary herbs. Most of what she was looking for was comfrey, a good plant for healing wounds. She knew from experience; her sister had used it on her neck after an accident involving electricity and unconsciousness. Other good finds were gobs of spiderweb, because once checked for spiders and dead bugs, the substance became a Band-Aid of sorts.

Her own bag slapping at her side and her belt and knife sheathes, Hanna decided to do a little border patrol while searching for her plants. It made sense, seeing as she was already out and about. She ranged the border between the pack's forest and the city, her senses alert to visitors. A stranger's smell permeated her nose along with that of her Rosea's, and Hanna tracked the scent to where a pale femme stood with Cercelee, who'd apparently just asked how she and the bird stood in way of alignment.

Speaking so only Cercelee could hear, Hanna commented, If you like, I can take care of her. I don't think she's of any harm; I think the bird is a guide of sorts. Smiling apologetically, as it sounded as though Hanna was trying to usurp the power of the alphess, she added, equally low-pitched, You look... like you need a break. She splayed her hands in sort of a shrug, glanced at the newcomer with mismatched eyes, then returned her attentions to Cercelee again. ... bottom.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 27px;"> 


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