Your pain is gone; mine is just starting


Strange things were going on in the mind of the dog wolf hybrid, mental sanity strings snapped and others formed, she growled at imaginary demons and cowered away from others whimpering all the while holding the cooling bodies of the two dead pups to her breast. Sometimes she spoke to them crooning and trying to encourage them to feed or move or do something stroking their tiny bodies with a false hope that was worse than the knowing they would never do those things, other times she simply mourned silently when her mind returned to sanity before sinking back into the depths of psycho again.

Eventually she managed to convince herself that they were just sleeping, just sleeping deeply and that was why they didn't move or make sounds, sleeping so deeply that she couldn't see them breathing but it was alright because they were still there with her and they were okay, they were okay. Her mind wandered off into the distance, eyes distant and staring as though her soul had departed but her body still lived. She flinched as she thought one of them moved and moved her face close to them watching intently for any signs of life before moving away with a gentle sigh. Then all of a sudden,

"Temo! Come here!" Her voice was sharp and angry sounding, how she knew he was on top of the log was a mystery and one she did not want to know the answer to. She winced as the harshness in her voice surprised her and toning it down a bit, this time her tones coming out soft and gentle, almost seductive but one could tell something was off within it, something mentally....

"Temo" His name was long and drawn out, "Come and meet them, your son and daughter, they are ever so excited to see you." Despite her words she huddled in the corner, her eyes wide and staring out of the darkness like before.

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