I used to think I had to do it on my own

Word Count → 246 :: <3

Niro smiled at his mate understanding what she meant, though it was less dangerous now going on hunts than before, especially with the birds that have been doing smeller hunting for him, but they were learning, evolving testing new things figuring out what would keep them from being injured. Not everything worked though. After all Niro had been nearly mauld by a moose. He was glad to see her smile. He remembered a time where he wished she would smile every day, and now it seemed his wish had come true, though the deaths of their daughters was still in their mind, they grieved together, comforted each other and Jiva made them remember he was there, and he would remain there. He was a strong young boy, and he seemed destined for life. Niro laughed as the boy asked for more with a bit of meat hanging off his chin. The man gingerly took the bit of meat from the boy’s chin and gave it to him looking at Amaranth;

“Our boy’s growing, I don’t see why he can’t have anymore.”

He said with a smile on his face. He knew Amaranth wouldn’t have said no either, not with that cute face, and if he ate more he wouldn’t need to suckle so much, which would be a plus for his mate. Life for Niro was great. He had his family, birds and the love of all of them with him.

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Table by Sie


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