The Days normally started early for the Dahlian paladin. But even today he was stretched out on his porch, lazily lying like a dog at the front door. He had slept there last night, finding solace in his natural form. Too much had been discovered lately for him to rise up on his horse and don his armor and walk around dahlia with a false mask of hope. He was sure now, after his meeting with the past leader of Inferni and his son who now led, that Conor had most likely traveled to Anathema. The behemoth had followed the trail there and that’s where it went cold. Even though the trail was old he picked up on bits of Conor’s left over scent until he couldn’t find it any longer. Saluce hadn’t trespassed but he had very nearly done it and now he realized just how much he wanted to know his fate. It all played heavily on his mind, even his encounter with Desiree hadn’t had the intended effect, now he worried that his one night stand may develop into something more and he wasn’t sure we was ready for that again.

A long yawn escaped his sullen face. A reflection of all the stress on his mind at the moment. For a brief moment he almost fell back asleep but the call reached his ears just as his eyes started to close and instantly they snapped back awake. His form didn’t snap up out of happiness, but out of weariness, the call bringing forth his fight or flight reflexes. Finally his mind eased a bit to discern whom it was calling for him. Then his form was in action, four paws beat against the ground in a steady rhythm before arriving a few moments later to see his Doctor.

The behemoths face met hers with worry, even though she hadn’t called out in haste or in stress, still he was worried something was wrong. He walked briskly up to her, still remaining in his more beastly form, paws striking the earth with purpose.

“Is everything okay Amata?” he asked out of curiosity as his blue eyes looked up at the beautiful Sadira lady. It seemed lately he had more than his fill of women in his life even if he had only gotten vaguely romantic with one of them. Still that evening with Desiree had left him wanting, the bond that he missed having with a female leaving him feeling empty again. It had had the opposite effect on him, and now he looked upon his friend with a bit more concern and caring than he’d normal reserve for a good friend.

“Sorry things have been difficult lately,” he gave her as an explanation, his own self-reflection on his behavior kicking in and he hoped today she had come for some other reason than the typical Doctor/Patient things they had done previously.

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