Seeking a friend or two in a still new environment

The woman felt like she was crying her heart out as everything was running through her all at once, everything she had locked away in order to attempt to function properly only that had failed. She didn't eat or sleep, she ignored everyone around her including her mate who was suffering through the same thing as she. So selfish she was to add this onto his misery as well, she knew he thought it was his DNA that was flawed and caused her to go into labor prematurely she had never told him about meeting Lucifer, shame crept through her and made her cry more, huge sobs racking her body as it all poured out.

She felt someones hands petting at her head and strange as though she was surrounded by males and it had been a man who had done all this to her she did not feel afraid of them, nothing would come to harm her while they were here, only her inner demons could injure her and even then their effect was muted. Still as convulsions racked her body she was strangely beginning to feel better already, not in any measurable terms but inside was a glimmer of light shining through the dead blackness, it should have taken longer and now she felt guilt about that too but what she didn't realise was that everyone grieved in their own ways, some shouted and screamed, others cried silently, some broken things and hit out, while some like herself bottled it all up only to explode at any moment, the most volatile of all the methods one could grieve in.

Then Temo's scent was all around her and a second pair of hands picked her up and held her close, she forced herself into Shift again, a stuttering imperfect transformation that caused her vision to dim and her head to loll back alarmingly before she regained the ability to hold it up. It took a long time and she was thrashing wildly about in pain and discomfort in the arms that held onto her for a good fifteen minutes before it was done. Ashy grey optime paws now clutched at night black fur, her paws not built in the manner of cats with claws that were retractable so regrettably she might have hurt him in her mad scramble to see his face, now was her moment to shed him of some of his guilt as well as her own.

Ookami and Roran seemed to fade away into the distance as it became about just the two of them and their dead children, the shadow souls of whom at that very moment were bouncing around the seconds long parents in movements no one could see and barking shrilly with voices no one could hear. Jace herself even with her connection to the spirit world could not sense them being unable to feel those attached to her own soul. But if someone with the affinity looked very closely maybe they could see a movement of flickering shadow darker than the rest around them or perhaps very faintly hear a puppy's whine.

Her words were almost inaudible between her gasps and hiccuping sobs, tears still streamed and her voice was cracked and raw from misuse,

"They didn't die because of you, not your genes. Lucifer found me, afterwards I was so scared I ran and I tripped. You have no blame in this."

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