A New Home Means New Friends Right?
OOC: This was getting lonely. So here is Ayasha to the rescue!

IC: She had heard of J'adore's new mate and wanted to meet her. But she had yet to have the opportunity to do so. So when she heard the call of a female wolf, she went over there. She saw a white wolf with blue marking dyed onto her fur. She stopped and considered what to say. She didn't want to seem creepy but she new that this wolf was J'adore's mate.

She cleared her voice softly so she didn't startle the female. Hi there. I'm Ayasha. Aren't you J'adore's mate? What's your name? Where are you from? She did bombarded her with questions but she tried to counteract it by being cute. She gave her a bright smile, eagerly waiting the answers.

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