[M] The Best Activity For A Beach
Cassie looked up from where she was sitting and saw the man. When he asked her how she was she replied simply with " I'm alright." She looked over at him, wondering what he was doing here. She put down her alcohol and took out a small can of soup foraged from one of the human stores. It was a meat stew with hardly any veggies. She started her fire, still peeking at the boy standing near her. She hadn't eaten in two days. " Wanna share?" She asked nicely. She felt embarrassed to be drunk. She sat up waiting for the soup to cook and smoothed her halter-style mini-dress and said " I'm sorry for being drunk." She noticed her drink was still sitting in tue sand and she picked it up.

She didn't know what to say to him next. She looked down and watched the fire light slowly flicker. She sat back down. Her next fear was when she passed out if she did later. She looked back at him studying his features. " I-Im Cassie." She wondered what his name was.

OOC: LOL I fail. XD

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