Time for reflection

Sure thing!

In the back of his mind, there was a small conscious wondering how old she was. She looked awfully young, seeing as how her looks and physique touched not even but a year (or what he assumed of her to be). An awkward silence reigned over their encounter briefly, as jade eyes kept a narrowed glance upon her from the veil of his side bangs. It appeared as if she was apprehensive, uncertain as to how to react or what to say. Helios was in a similar situation, and had to admit this was more than a tad bit inconvenient. The scrapes suffered from the run in stung on his legs, but such scrapes were bearable, just annoying. As she ran her paws over her fur, his jade eyes couldn't help but follow the motion, scanning her body as she physically scanned her own. While there was something strangely feeling guilty for following her paws like his eyes were roving her figure, Helios remained stoic and still as stone without a word. Softly announcing she was alright and untouched, Helios blew a gentle sigh from his nostrils. Cursing himself internally once again for being an unobserving idiot, at least she came out of his stumble unharmed. One hand lifted to scratch the back of his ear, tousling his already haphazard hair. It was his own gesture of slight nervousness. "Good. I just… I… I don't know what to say. I'm sorry." Helios apologized once again, glancing over to the tent in crumbled ruins, and feeling an even more greater burden of guilt upon him.

She then spoke about how she didn't have a place to stay. Scanning over the remnants of the broken tent and anything else that caught his eye in the area, it appeared the shoddy tent was all she could work with. As if I couldn't feel any worse than I do now… good job, asshole. Fixating his gaze back upon her, there was something about her that was naive, perhaps a little too innocent. Her arms were held, an edgy gesture coming over her. While Helios was certainly not impressive or muscular in size to be any real intimidation to anyone, he could imagine how a lone female out in the middle of nowhere could feel in the presence of a male randomly scaring her half to death in the middle of the night. He might have not been bursting with muscle, but he was sure as hell towering and tall, which could possibly be intimidating enough. There was something that didn't make sense, however. Along with her feminine scent, he thought he detected something else of a pack affiliation, but was unsure. "You don't have a pack to run with?" Helios announced then, further inquiring about the other scent that lingered on her. Well, she looked like she was well off on her own? It might have been a stupid question, but the only response he could say.


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