Watch Your Step

Galileo had decided to spend his morning at the Oasis, but there ad been a change in his timetable and he found himself staying there for the majority of the day. Awoken from his shallow sleep by voice coming beneath the branch he lay on, a frown graced his face. With a sigh he slide from the branch, swinging down with a sudden clearing of his throat. By the look on his face, one would have thought that the woman had been intruding. His stony face was upset by a cold feeling sliding across his shoulders. He was confused for a moment, but after looking down he found that it was only Apep.

Curiosity got the better of him, and with a confident swagger forward, Galileo asked, 'What y' got there'. He knew what it was, after all he had come from Europe, the hub of enginering, but his question was more aimed to find out what on earth she intended to do with them. Locks of dark brown and grey shifted about as dish shaped ears flickered about. Hunting would be easy in a place like this, but he didn't suspect that this woman wanted to hunt if she was fiddling with her junk. Setting down Apep, Galileo grinned and spoke again, 'You hungry?' The reptile slithered off, his master grinned as he watched, knowing his pet would return with a prize.

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