Good House Hunting

Table by Sie. /// I don't mind. Big Grin Sorry if Evelyn seems a little dense at times; she may be good with her hands, but she's not quite as good with making new friends.

Evelyn pasted by a few more houses, mainly obliviously to them because of their cozy, docile appearance, until she heard a voice from the side of her, but it was weirdly pitched. She glanced around at eye level first, but then it occurred to her to look down, and saw the reason why the voice she heard sounded odd; a four-legged coyote was standing a few feet away, which looked quite uncomfortable for some reason. “Hello!” the wolfdog greeted happily, glad to finally see one of the pack members, and slipped the goggles over her head and muzzle so that it fitted around her neck loosely. “And yes, you can say I’m looking for something, maybe you can help?”

It never really crossed her mind why a canine would be his feral form, or even if he was Luperci-inabled, but the female just assumed it was it preferred way of traveling. “I was hoping to find a building that is somewhat bigger than these here houses, like perhaps a…a…” The girl’s eyebrows furrowed in slight frustration, her mind unable to come up with a word to describe her desired place to live. “…Anyway, my name is Evelyn, Evelyn Wood,” she quickly recovered, flashing a toothy-grin, as if she planned to leave that sentence unfinished. But, in her mind, she was thinking how this impression would mark Slade; would he think that his new packmate was some loon, or just plain strange by nature, or just any other normal wolf looking for a home in the town of Thornbury?

Evelyn quickly pushed away the thoughts that started to tug at her mind, and continued down the weed covered street, assuming that the coyote was following her. For a moment she was silent, and then dug her hand in her bag that she wore around her shoulder, pulling out two rusty bolts, started to rub them in her hand, and asked casually, “So, anything interesting happening in Cercatori d’Arte lately?”

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