Verena's feet were sore from the troops travels. There was six of them now. Axel, Amaryllis, Konstantine, Christian, and herself had started this journey about a week after Layla had disappeared. She was raised that sibling stuck together, lest they all perish from the harshness of life. Yet, the travel has gone slow. One part because Layla, in Verena's mind, was a psycho that really didn't stop to eat, and one part that as they drifted behind to nourish themselves, her tracks grew dimmer and harder to trace. Also, they were delayed with a meeting of a peculiar female a short while ago, who decided to join their gang. Her name was Jackaline, though they mostly referred to her simply as Jack. A rather masculine rottweiler and poodle mixed female. She had been more help than harm, fortunately.

While stepping over pebbles, Verena was thankful for her new tough soles. If nothing else, this experience was toughening her for the real world. A lovely voice asked for her attention. It wasn't lovely for the sound, though it could be found to be quite charming, but lovely for the dog it came from. Turning her focus upon him, her upright ears caught his english phrase to stop. Verena raised her tail high to signal the others to hold up. They had made good progress and the others falling behind was a sign that a rest was needed. Looking to the heavens, Verena quickly decided against pressing on afterwards. "Set up camp," she said. "I shall return. Have dinner ready."

Nodding at the prince, she started to walk off the path a little bit. If she wasn't so undecided in her heart, she could be calling him her prince. He had offered and what did she do? Practically asked for a pause because she was busy with Layla's disappearance. Why not say yes? He had done the hard part in putting his heart on his sleeve, how much effort would a yes take? Well, she was quite young. Her feelings for Christian could not be denied, yet she didn't want to make a mistake. She didn't think she was either, which was frustrating. This little adventure would either keep them together or wear them apart and would make the best answer obvious. Verena had high hopes.

It took not a minute to reach a pine tree. "Is this adequate?" she asked. Verena turned around to face him. "What did you need to stop for? Just tired? I think the others were," she said. The male's long fur was hard to miss nowadays. Before this little trip he had been well groomed in his thick winter coat. At the moment, several patches of shorter summer fur made his appearance more disheveled. It really made no difference to her out here in the wilds. Her fur was much the same though her pelt was no where near as long and wasn't as apparent.

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