Idly chatting was fun and entertaining even if nothing important was on anyones mind. "Oh, I see." Verena said at the mention of who his parents were breed-wise. "The coat is rather luxurious, but requires attention," she commented. Attention she didn't mind giving. Her ale brown eye spied a glance at her own coat. It wasn't as glossy as normal. There were no mats, though there was a slight patchy look to her sides and no doubt her back. The ambitious female never really had to worry about her coat. Though, the young lady had only been around the calendar barely more than once. To think a year ago she was a pup and now she had to start thinking of mates and the future. Life moves fast and waits for no canine.

As Verena went down his side, he turned around to smile at her. Prince Charming gracing her with a smile was like sunshine, she couldn't help but smile back. His next topic seemed to read her thoughts. On one hand she wanted to answer him when they returned to Toronto. But then again, why wait? Why take a chance and make him think that she has cold feet? Verena was never scared. "Well, of course I wish to rule. It's been my dream since I saw the throne," Verena said slowly, thinking back on all her day dreams of adoring family and pack mates praising her and of enemies catching a glimpse of her and tucking their tails between their legs and bolting.

Verena paused in her combing. Leaning back, she took a deep breath. "You know I feel the same don't you?" her question was more of an accusation than anything. "I just... don't know yet. There's so many questions to be answered," she sighed. Sitting straighter, she said more urgently, "I just don't want you to think that your offer is misplaced or that theres someone else or that I've got cold pads or any other nonsense. Because... Thats just not it." It was the best she could put it. A threatening mat came to her careful attention and she started combing it out, mumbling, "Lemme get that real quick."

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