The world turns once more

WC: 338 OOC: Panda and her man Post dated May 28th :3

After going to AniWaya and finding nothing on his sister, Niro found himself not returning straight home like he had. He missed his twin. Where ever she went, he hoped to find her. He WOULD find her. He had to. It broke his heart that she would not come to him, use his protection again. he had never allowed anyone to hurt her, and he never would... unless she was so far away. He cursed himself as he passed his home, and walked through the shattered coast. Only when he saw sight of the first building did he realize where he was going. He stopped, the last time he was there he was nearly killed by a deranged luperci that lived in one of those buildings. He did not want to risk another encounter. For once in his life he had been scared for not just his but the two companions he was with. One of them was now flying over head scouting for anything good to eat. The other was someone he’d met once, a long time ago and had not seen again.

Niro sat on the ground facing Halifax. What was with this place, why had he come here? He never liked it before... so what reason would his feet take him here? They had taken him here once before, that was when he was feeling uncertain about his fatherhood, and he’d met Talitha, which made him think of her and wonder if she was still alive or she had actually manage to kill herself. The things that went on in his head, was useless as of late. He burried his face in his hands and sighed wishing all the stuff in his head would just go away. It would make it all easier for him to think and live. it was useless to dwell on things and yet here he was dwelling on things he shouldn’t even be thinking, when he should be looking for his sister... and taking care of his family.

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Table by Meghann!


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