Delicate Work

OOC: That's alright Smile. / WC: 773

She smiled, “Luck I guess.” She glanced down at the book, “sometimes you just can’t explain the things that happen.”

As she listened to Slade speak, she took a few moments to casually glance between him and her discovery. She was decent when it came to reading people, but she was no mind reader. Somehow, however, Deirdre had an inkling feeling that he was not to keen on what she discovered. Maybe it had something to do with that it was a book on plants, but she pushed those conclusions to the back of her head.

“Actually,” she began lowering her head to the book, and gently flipping a few pages with her nose. “That’s kind of a funny story.” She glanced over at Slade and then back down to the book’s page. She rested her paw on the lighter side of the book, keeping it open as she glanced down and read the page. Words ran through her mind as it clicked off words and the sounds they made. Her gaze then came to a small image in the corner of the information given.

“I was wondering around the woods looking for something to eat.” She began as her eyes read what the book offered. The page she was reading gave her information about certain plants and their medical properties, or what they could have been used for. She sat, and slipped her paw from the book allowing it to close by itself. She turned her gaze to Slade, and if it were possibly to see the skin beneath her heavy coat, she would have been blushing. “I fell head first into a hole.”

“I got distracted, and before I knew it I had my tail in the air, and my paws sliding down the side of small hole.” She smiled. “As I tried to push myself back up, it came sliding down the other side.”

She laughed softly, “Actually if you were there, you would have thought the sight of me funny.”

It began to rain then, the storm clouds finally catching up to them. Deirdre took a moment and glanced through the hole of her little tree, and sighed. “I hope its alright for you to be here Slade,” She began. “You being a part of a pack and all, I hope are meetings aren’t keeping you away from any of your duties.”

She stood up, and picked the book up between her teeth. Carefully she went back toward the hole she had hid it into, and slowly knelt to slip the book beneath the tree’s roots. She sighed, and then stood from her crouch. “I’ve always had a fascination with books,” she said as the rain began to echo within her little home. She turned to face Slade, her stance holding a tad bit of sadness to it. “My father taught me how to read,” She tilted her head slightly as if trying to hide herself from Slade’s sight. “I started off with reading those strange legends and myths that humans had made before they all died out.”

She turned her gaze toward him, and then stepped to the entrance of the den. She lifted her muzzle to the pouring rain, and inhaled. She loved the rain, and spring. She loved the scents of the forest that came with the season. She exhaled, “I hope you don’t mind being here with me.” She smiled gently while she looked at Slade.

For the first time since she first met him, Deirdre actually looked at him. He was shorter then her, his fur multicolored, remanding her of an arrange of river rocks sitting against the soil of the earth. She felt her body flush, luckily, her fur hid the traces of the heat upon her skin. He was nothing like Damian. Damian…She was comparing Slade to him, but why? Well, there were obvious difference between Slade and Damian. Slade was a coyote, and Damian was a wolf, his fur was as black as raven feather and he had eyes as golden as tiger-eye with flakes of green in them; Slade did not have the same physical characteristics as Damian did. Then, why would she compare him to her former mate? Why… It struck her like a bolt of lightning would a tree. Through her eyes, Slade was handsome.

She stood as if startled by something, something she had not come to accept as a possibility. Deirdre stood in the entrance of her den, her mind clinking and rushing with thoughts. The rain outside picked up, quenching the earth of its thirst. She shook her head, looked at Slade, and then smiled.

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