Goodbye, my almost lover...

To say she wasn't expecting someone to find her would probably explain why, when a comforting arm came to loop around her shoulders (she hadn't noticed him sit down, her eyes covered by her hands) she jerked with a start, eyes snapping over to the male to try and get a look. He moved her into him too quickly for that, however, and instead of seeing a face, she opened her eyes to see nothing more than thick, white fur. At first, she wanted to jerk away, to slap the man invading her space, but it subsided when she heard his voice, a soft whisper, comforting words that meant nothing true to her. A stranger trying to help, was all. His scent belonged to the pack, so her pack-related reactions were voided quickly... and she quickly loosened to weep into his shoulder, clinging on for dear life.

The moments passed on slowly until she finished crying. The hybrid girl took a moment to get those last hiccups out of her system, those last tears dried, before she sat up, rubbing her right eye. Thank you, stranger. She blinked her left up eye at him, forcing a weak, empty smile. I fear I've lost my wits. I hope I didn't bother you? Her voice was accented, just slightly, of the west. It rang out soft, not unlike her beautiful singing voice from before. Despite the tears and far-off eyes, the girl was certainly beautiful in many aspects, or at least, as far as the man would be able to tell.

She'd grant him the moment or two to respond before continuing. My name's Sky. I don't think I've ever met you before... new to the territory, by chance? It always happened that way. Sky had this habit of taking on a much more polite, thought-over way of speaking if she felt uncomfortable about a situation... although, it really did depend on the sort of discomfort she felt at the given moment. Other times she could be down-right villianous and cruel. Thus was the double-life of Sky, though. Always confusing.

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