Goodbye, my almost lover...
He didn't know what to do as she sobbed into his shoulder, so he just kept rubbing her back and murmuring softly to her. When she pulled away he let her go, though he wanted to at least touch her hand. He gave a gentle and concerned smile in reply to her hollow smile. "Taliesin. Or Tal, if you prefer. And it was no bother..." Her voice almost seemed over polite, and he touched her hand gently. Comforting this smaller woman was in his mind, nothing else. He didn't care who she was, she was in need of a friend, if nothing else.

His voice still soft, he answered her question. "I came here not too long ago. Right before Shawchert left. I didn't mean to bother you, I was nearby and heard your song... and then, I thought you might need a friend..." The name resolved into something more tangible, a mention of her made by the male he just mentioned himself. Shaw had said she was a healer of sorts too. He lifted a hand, running his fingers through his ever messy mane, an unconscious gesture he made often when nervous or concerned.

"You can tell me to go away, if you want, or you can talk to me. Sometimes talking to a stranger is easier than talking to someone you know." Oh, how he knew that. Hell, it had been Shawchert he'd told about Kira and Azza, about the deaths of the girls. If he'd known her connection with the past leader, with this place, he probably wouldn't have made mention of the male. But the poor guy was oblivious to it. (As he was much else, usually, wrapped up as he was in his son and his writing.)

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