Crimes for our blood

Anatoliy looked away, feeling that guilt well up again into his heart. "Help him vith finding her," he said softly, wishing he had ended that man then. Forced him to drown at sea, or anything else where he would have died of his own failure. "I did not vant him near her zhen. I vas so sure he vould not find her. Us. But he did." The Russo clenched his teeth tightly together, and his fists balled up hard together, nails digging into his palms. He nodded at Haven's comment. He did seem preoccupied with her, and he knew why. Keese wanted her, badly. For whatever reason. He was certain it was something Anann offered him; there seemed to be no real love between them. "He seems to vant somezhing only she can give him. But I do not know vhat zhat is."

He nodded again, looking distracted. His mind was here, but his thoughts were still roaming, even if he had his focus. "Please keep her safe," he asked the man, pleading in his eyes, even though she had broken his heart in two. But for what? For Keese? Anatoliy still loved her, even if she had left him for a man with a rock for a heart. "She is strong. But maybe not strong enough against him." Golden eyes looked fiercely at Haven, strength in them, but clouded by fear. "I don't vant her hurt, but I can't help her. She von't.. she doesn't vant me around. I don't know vhy.. vhat I did, even.."

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