So many things ran through is mind as she accepted his gift, her infectious tail wagging was getting to him as well. As her excitement grew so did his and his own furry appendage wagged just as furiously as hers did. Saluce couldn’t put a finger on why but she brought out the best in him, just ad Farore brought out the worst in him. He liked having her around and since she had been so against his flattering comments he wished she was more accepting. Already he wanted to whisk her off her feet and claim her as his, and give her his heart forever. But she seemed to be against the thought of even flirting and as much as it dimmed his outlook and made him want to stop the hard headed part of him made him push through. That tail an ever present reminder of just how she made him feel.

Finally he smiled and answered her words “I am sorry but someone like you deserves having flattering words given to them in such a manner to honor you. Just having you in my shop gives it a glow that I’ve never seen before,”. Saluce didn’t care now, she was here and in his shop and accepting gifts of his and he would voice his approval for her character no matter how much she disliked them. It was his way, Amata had devoted much of her time toward his illness and now he wanted to repay all that time.

“It is out of respect Amata, for you have devoted much of your precious time helping me, It is only natural that I would seek to make you smile and fill your heart with gifts,” he gave her a geninue smile before turning to look at his assorted collection and spying the boy hanging on his wall. At one time it had been meant for Saul to have but now he wondered if she would be interested in taking up the art. It all seemed to fit to him, she was an archer even if she didn’t know it. Her steady hands and patience would help her and he easily moved to the bow and arrows with ease before bringing it back to her with a smile.

“So Amata while you’re here, and since no one enters this shop without learning some skill, would you like to learn how to use this?” he held it up for her his tail wagging in an excited exuberance that many dahlians had never seen.

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