our last year on earth
She cared for him, giving him a deer broth she'd boiled. More garlic, more willow. Goldenroot to reduce chance of infection. It might not be a good tasting broth, but it was good for him. She checked how tender the mea was that she'd used to make the broth, then slid some of the boiled marrow into his mouth. She wasn't heartless, she just knew how much he could take and how quickly.

It wasn't until after he'd fallen back alseep she allowed herself to lay down and begin crying. She'd come so close to losing him...and she had the feeling she had already lost him. Was she okay? No, not at all. She cried until she didn't have the strength to cry anymore, then she fell asleep. Lucifer's stirring woke her up several hours later. She sat up, scrubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Good morning, love. You should be feeling stronger now. Her voice was cheery, breezy. her voice hid how close to the grave he'd been.

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