Defy the laws of physics..

OC:Sorry rambled

She was going to be a tricky one, she was. The black monster was not sure how to tame her, and get her to come down off her high horse. He knew what he wanted and what he wanted was her. He wouldn’t hurt her to much, but he did want her. Just for no other reason than to make Jefferson more pissed off at him then what he already was. The black monster rubbed his chin thinking, and really he was thinking. Noah…that name was not uncommon, but not something that seemed like his child. Then it hit him like an anvil to the head. ”That grey piece of shit?” The black monster hand reach over grabbing his chest while he laughed then he moved down like he was about to shift into another forum when really he used this pose to stretch the ground between the two closer and closer to him. ”Sorry I didn’t kill him, would have made your job a lot easier. I followed him here from our last pack, thought he could get away from me. Seems like next time I’m going to have to award him for living with maybe holding him under water will he falls limp in my hands, like I did to his first litter of pups. Or maybe just rip him open and eat him alive, just thinking about holding his fresh beating heart in my hands, while the blood runs down my arm…hmmm…mouth watering. Just about as mouth watering as the thoughts of your body finally giving into me, while I claim your body as mine. Just I have done to many of the females that live here, Let’s start naming them, shall we?” His words hissed out of his mouth. As he stopped playing this game of being sweet to her, the male lunged off his back legs as he moved closer and closer to her, till he could about taste her. She could fight back or she could wait…either way he would feel her. ”First there was Tala, then Jace, Then Tala a few more times…she really was the best of them all.” The monster snickered as he could taste her in the air, he could not get the fear that he wanted and that was more than fine he would get another feeling from her that he loved…hate.”Lets see…Where did I go from there….I felt Jace up again found out she was with pups that where mine. Oh yes…not to long ago there was Rendall, I belive she might still be healing from the rape….I was sure to leave my own little mark on her…then lastly it’s going to be you. Then after I’m done with you I might go track down that punching bag Noah and maybe make him watch me as I set these lands on fire… Watch the pretty lights, and the warmth. Ya know….It would be funny if I made him die in that fire….Yesssss…I shall do that. I shall start with that old hunk of junk house that caved in over the winter and I shall start the fire there. I will tell Noah that a poor helpless pups crawled into the rummage and got stuck. Then when he’s in there….POOF!” The black beast jumped his arms out as he jumped towards her moving in to take her down.


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