a story at three

OOC here: Table & Coding © Vannah; 526 words

Ouija didn't know anything about humans. That had never been part of his various teachings. he had never heard of them before actually. All he knew were the luperci gods. It was from them that luperci came about. A gift from the gods so that canines might be allowed to stand and change forms just as the gods did. And having this gift meant one was obligated to pass it on to those whom don't yet have it or risk losing it one's self. A sort of use it or lose it type of thing. And such was where Ouija's lupus addiction had derived from. He enjoyed the gift bestowed upon him at birth and didn't want to risk giving it all up.

Oh yes, he was always adding color to himself whenever he had the components to do so with. Of course it was never the same color in the same spot all of the time. He didn't have a certain pattern or color scheme to adhere to. it was just whatever he could get his hands on and wherever he could reach at the time. "Why thank you. I am quite fond of it myself. Though I suppose you are correct. Not everyone can pull this off. Not that you really need to worry about it since you are naturally painted in multiple shades." And if he were the same way then he wouldn't have to worry about dying himself all of the time.

He chuckled and nodded his head. "Of course, they wouldn't work any other way. They have to be exact in order to do their jobs or else the results could prove to be disastrous." His were placed for certain purposes rather than just for looks. Even their placement was important. Put where they would be best able to serve their purposes.

"I don't expect a payment. I wouldn't have offered if I expected to get something in return." He did what he did because he had the ability and whoever needed his help did not. His services were always offered freely. "While you are there you can decide if any of the skins I have can help you to make what it is that you desire." He gave the words as he led the way to Anathema and its cave system. The way was led through the system and directly to his shared den as well.

"Just this way." He said, motioning for her to enter the cave as well. He headed over to his half of the den, that was lit by a fire in the middle, where his supplies were at and placed down his satchel. e picked up a pile of rabbit pelt and placed it down for Alae to look at. "These are the ones that I have." He said before digging through his items so he could pull out what he needed in order to touch up the color on her tattoo for her. He placed down the needles and looked to see what colors he had on hand. "Did you bring color with you?" He questioned, not certain if he would have exact matches.


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