time like pennies in a jar

Word Count » 363

the world shudders as the worm gets its wings

Eris did not know how to best serve her pack, let alone lead it. Eterne had required nothing of her, and they had done her a disservice in that place -- she might have learned to hunt, she might have learned to lead, she might have learned to do all manner of useful skills. Unfortunately, she had not -- everything had been provided to her, and while Eris had enjoyed it at the time, hindsight quite clearly laid her folly bare, at least for herself to see. She might have demanded instruction while in Eterne, or even Inferni -- surely the coyotes would have seen to her education if she professed a desire to serve them.

He seemed to like her jest, at least after a moment, and he stepped to meet her, smiling and speaking still. Her wariness had begun to fade; though she might not trust so easily, she was not so cautious a creature as to remember Sirius's teachings all the time. “You got me. There's a whole harem back that way, the prettiest girls you've ever dreamed of. Fortunate for you, the prettiest of them all stands right here,” she said, lifting a hand to indicate -- of course -- herself.

“Eris Eternity,” she responded in kind to his introduction. The surname felt more natural and normal now than Lykoi ever had. It was the name of a ghost, to be certain, but his father's blood flowed in her veins, and he had a sort of life, still, in Eris and his other various descendants. Most were more distant from him than her, however -- Sirius, just younger than her, was only a distant relative. There was much to be learned about her father and her family, still, but Eris had lost some of the fervor for such things. She would craft her own family, her own blood, and it would be piecemeal and patchwork as anything, but a family still.

“Is there a place you call home?” she asked, curious as to where he hailed from. Was he of another pack, come to seek knowledge of the new group of strangers along the coast at his alpha's command?

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